Frequently Asked Home Inspection Questions
The most frequently asked question we get is "What do you inspect?"
A home inspection is a visual examination of the home's major structure, systems, and components that are visible and safely accessible. Buying a home is typically the biggest investment you will ever make, so it's important to get a home inspection because the home inspector can find and document defects that may or may not be obvious to you as a prospective buyer. Such defects can range from simple replacements or repairs to severe damage or safety and health concerns.
1. Roof
2. Exterior
3. Basement, Foundation, Crawlspace and Structure
4. Heating
5. Cooling
6. Plumbing
7. Electrical
8. Fireplace
9. Attic, Insulation and Ventilation
10. Doors, Windows, and Interior

How long will my home inspection take and when will we have our report?
A typical home inspection will take our inspector around 2.5-3 hours. Sometimes longer depending on the square footage of the home inspection. We use Spectora's reporting software for all of our home inspections. Because of it's ease of use and our home inspectors experience, we are typically able to get you your home inspection report as early as the time we leave the home inspection property and no later than the end of the day.
Do we need to be there for our home inspection?
While it is not a requirement or necessary for you to be present at your home inspection, we do find it very helpful. This gives us time to show you our home inspection findings in person. It also allows us to show you important things like where your gas, water, and electrical shutoffs are in case of an emergency. If you cannot make it, don't worry, our inspection reports are very thorough and we take plenty of photos of our findings as well as the locations of the shutoffs and other important features of your home.
What is radon? Should we get a radon test?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in rocks and soils. Radon gas is tasteless, colorless and odorless. The only way to know if it is in your home is to test for it. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) considers radon to be a very serious problem in our state. No matter where you live in Tennessee, there is the potential for radon to enter your home. Regardless of your geographic location, all homes should be tested for radon. There is no zone that has no risk factor for radon.